Get in contact
If you have an idea, information or just want to talk to us, just drop us a message with some basic info via the form nearby. We will then respond as soon as possible.
If you dont like forms, you can also connect with us via
E-Mail: info [at] wuda . io
Telephone: +43 664 37 69 013
Partners we are looking for are
Please use the contact form to describe your needs, we will then contact you for a more detailed session.
Contributors, Employees
If you want to be part of Wuda Software, please send us your CV via mail. We will get back to you. If you want to develop and contribute to the products we are buildin upon, please check out one of our partner projects like Materialize. We are glad if your share posts and spread the word about us or our projects. Please also check out our social media channels if you want to be part of our journey.
If you have a product, service or other things, which you think would fit to our needs, please contact our team with a short description with your offer.
Become a partner
If you want to become a partner, please do not hesitate to contact us through the contact form.
Some of our trusted Partners